What's New With Rain. 07/22/03 - Hope everyone is doing fine. Here is the next song off the new album. It is named "California Song” Don't forget our next concert on 07/25/03 at the downtown Borders in the Crossroads Mall. 07/15/03 - Hi sorry it has taken so long to get the next song on here. I promise that it won't take this long next time. Anyways here is the next song. "Wrong Kinda Lady"
07/02/03 - Hi everyone, hope everyone is enjoying the great summer so far. We have completed our next album and will be selling it at our show on July 25th. Here is a clip of one of the new songs called "Runaway” We will be debuting a new song each week for the next couple weeks leading up to the show. Keep checking back for more details.
03/03/03 - Our show was on Saturday, and we want to thank everyone who came to see us. We didn't get too many people to show up, but we appreciate all the support. The show was definitely fun. We hope to see more of you at our next show. We will email everyone on the mailing list as soon as we have another show lined up. Right now we are going back into the studio to record a few new songs.
02/25/03 - Our latest song, "Story of a Friend" is on our mp3.com site. Go to the Our Friends page for the link to listen to our song. Also we now have a message board for everyone to chat on. We'll check it often to see what everyone has to say and look forward to hearing from you. See ya at the show this SATURDAY, MARCH 1ST.
01/21/03 - We hope everyone had a good winter. We spent all winter coming up with new songs for our next album. We finally set a date for our first concert of the year. Josh, Robert, and Chris are inviting everyone they can, to what is going to be a very exciting concert. We will be playing our old stuff as well as our new stuff. This show is going to be a blast. If you are not already on the mailing list please go to our Survey page and sign up to get future concert information. Go to the Upcoming Concerts page to find out all the details on the show.